Free "Before You Say Yes" Guide

This guide will act as a tool for you to select the right candidate. It will help you to read the signs and make sound judgements before you give yourself to someone who might not appreciate you or at worst even abuse you. Take this guide to figure out what questions you should ask your potential significant other and what statements from him should alarm you. 
Prevention is the purpose and to let you know it is ok to say NO and move on. Remember that in a world of 7 billion people there will be someone for you who will be the right fit inshaAllah. You only need to find that 1 man to call your husband. Be confident, honest and realistic. The most important  thing is to never meet with someone alone unless it is in public. 
All born Muslim men are raised to have the closest female family members meet with the sister they want to marry (YOU). If he doesn't show up with his parents it is a clear sign of disrespect towards you. Don't forget your own cultural formalities. A man who wants to marry a women outside of his culture should have the courtesy to inform himself of the customs of YOUR traditions. This is not a one way street. Imagine how the marriage will be, if a man can't even pull off a proper proposal and wedding (if any at all)?
Below you will find the link to download the "Before You Say Yes" Guide free of charge. Why free? Anything for my diamonds and pearls (women and children). You deserve it!

I love you fisabilillah!

-Lisa Shepard

For personal use only!
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